COSMOTE - Mobile Telecommunications S.A. ->
COSMOTE - Mobile Telecommunications S.A. ->
OTE ->
OSE ->
Vodafone Greece ->
Cosmoline ->
AMD Telecom ->
Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A. ->
Wind Hellas Telecommunications S.A. ->
interConnect ->
Yuboto ->
Compatel Limited ->
CYTA Cyta ->
BWS ->
Inter Telecom ->
RadioAccess Network Services ->
Tele2 Nederland B.V. ->
Voiceworks B.V. ->
Vodafone Libertel B.V. ->
Elephant Talk Communications Premium Rate Services ->
Mundio Mobile (Netherlands) Ltd Vectone ->
Teleena (MVNE) ->
KPN Mobile The Netherlands B.V. ->
Lycamobile Netherlands Limited ->
KPN B.V. ->
VoipIT B.V. ->
KPN Mobile The Netherlands B.V. ->
Unica Installatietechniek B.V. ->
Ziggo B.V. ->
T-Mobile Netherlands B.V T-Mobile ->
Intercity Mobile Communications B.V. Intercity ->
UPC Nederland B.V. ->
Mixe Communication Solutions B.V. ->
T-Mobile Netherlands B.V T ->
ProRail B.V. ->
Ministerie van Defensie ->
Wyless Nederland B.V. ->
Private Mobility Nederland B.V. ->
CapX B.V. ->
SpeakUp B.V. ->
Breezz Nederland B.V. ->
Lancelot B.V. ->
Private Mobile Ltd ->
Nextgen Mobile Ltd ->
BodyTrace Netherlands B.V. ->
Voxbone mobile ->
Zetacom B.V. ->
AGMS Netherlands B.V. ->
Utility Connect B.V. ->
Koning en Hartman B.V. ->
Roamware (Netherlands) B.V. ->
KPN Mobile The Netherlands B.V. ->
Belgacom Mobile ->
Belgacom Mobile ->
Infrabel ->
Telenet ->
Lycamobile sprl ->
Mundio Mobile Belgium nv Vectone ->
Nethys ->
Voxbone mobile ->
Orange S.A. Orange ->
Elephant Talk Communications Schweiz GmbH ->
NextGen Mobile Ltd. ->
Telenet ->
Dense Air Belgium SPRL ->
Unleashed NV Mobile ->
Ericsson NV ->
JOIN Experience (Belgium) ->
IP Nexia ->
Orange S.A. ->
Orange S.A. ->
MobiquiThings ->
Societe d'ingenierie systeme telecom et reseaux ->
Globalstar Europe ->
Globalstar Europe ->
Globalstar Europe ->
Altice ->
Altice ->
Altice ->
Altice ->
Truphone France ->
Altice ->
SNCF Réseau SNCF ->
Iliad Free ->
Iliad Free ->
Local Exchange Global Operation Services ->
Voxbone mobile ->
Haute-Garonne �rique ->
Bouygues Telecom ->
Bouygues Telecom ->
Transatel Transatel ->
Syndicat mixte ouvert Charente Numérique ->
MobiquiThings ->
LycaMobile ->
Euro-Information Telecom SAS NRJ ->
Coriolis Telecom ->
Airbus Defence and Space SAS ->
Cubic télécom France ->
Syma Mobile ->
Mundio Mobile Vectone ->
Orange S.A. ->
Département des Pyrénées-Atlantiques ->
Cellhire France ->
EDF ->
Weaccess group ->
SEM@FOR77 ->
Régie autonome des transports parisiens ->
Bouygues Telecom ->
Fondation b-com ->
Images & Réseaux ->
Orange S.A. ->
Association Plate-forme Télécom ->
Thales Communications & Security SAS ->
Halys ->
Orange S.A. ->
Région Bourgogne-Franche-Comté ->
Thales Communications & Security SAS ->
Société Air France ->
Monaco Telecom Office des ->
Servei De Tele. DAndorra ->
Vodafone Spain ->
Alta Tecnologia en Comunicacions SL Altecom ->
Orange Espagne S.A.U ->
Xfera Moviles SA ->
Telefónica Móviles España ->
Vodafone Spain ->
Telefónica Móviles España ->
Orange Espagne S.A.U ->
Incotel Servicioz Avanzados SL ->
BT Group España Compañia de Servicios Globales de Telecomunicaciones S.A.U. ->
R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia S.A. ->
R Cable y Telecomunicaciones Galicia S.A. Móbil ->
Vodafone Spain ->
Orange España Virtual Sl. ->
Fonyou Telecom S.L. ->
Orange Espagne S.A.U. ->
Best Spain Telecom DIGI ->
Xfera Moviles S.A.U. ->
LycaMobile S.L. ->
Lleida Networks Serveis Telemátics, SL ->
SCN Truphone, S.L. ->
Consorcio de Telecomunicaciones Avanzadas, S.A. ->
Xfera Moviles S.A.U. ->
Compatel Limited ->
Red Digital De Telecomunicaciones de las Islas Baleares, S.L. ->
Telefónica Móviles España ->
Xfera Móviles, S.A.U. ->
Aire Networks del Mediterráneo, S.L.U. ->
Vodafone Spain ->
Telefónica Móviles España, S.A.U. ->
Administrador de Infraestructuras Ferroviarias ->
Telenor Magyarország Zrt. Telenor ->
MVM Net Ltd. ->
DIGI Telecommunication Ltd. ->
Invitech ICT Services Ltd. ->
Magyar Telekom Plc T ->
Vodafone Magyarország Zrt. ->
UPC Hungary Ltd. ->
Magyar Államvasutak MAV GSM ->
Public Enterprise Croatian Telecom Ltd. HT ->
RS Telecommunications JSC Banja Luka m:tel ->
BH Telecom BH ->
T-Hrvatski Telekom T ->
Tele2 ->
A1 Hrvatska ->
TELE FOCUS d.o.o. ->
Telenor Serbia ->
Telenor Montenegro ->
Telekom Srbija ->
T-Mobile Montenegro LLC T ->
VIP Mobile ->
Orion Telekom ->
MUNDIO MOBILE d.o.o. Vectone ->
GLOBALTEL d.o.o. ->
Telecom of Kosovo J.S.C. ->
Dardaphone.Net LLC Z ->
Dukagjini Telecommunications LLC D3 ->
Telecom Italia S.p.A ->
Vodafone Italia S.p.A. ->
Noverca Kena ->
Fastweb S.p.A. ->
Vodafone Italia S.p.A. ->
Rete Ferroviaria Italiana ->
Poste Mobile S.p.A. Poste ->
BT Italia BT ->
Lycamobile ->
Digi Italy S.r.l. Digi ->
Wind Tre 3 ->
Linkem S.p.A. ->
SMS Italia S.r.l. SMS ->
Telecom Italia S.p.A. ->
Tiscali S.p.A. ->
Telecom Italia S.p.A. ->
Welcome Italia S.p.A. ->
Iliad Italia ->
Mass Response GMBH ->
Wind Tre ->
BLU S.p.A. ->
Wind Tre 3 ->
Vodafone România ->
Telekom Romania Clicknet ->
Telekom Romania ->
Telekom Romania Cosmote ->
RCS&RDS Digi ->
Telekom Romania Telekom ->
Orange România ->
Enigma-System ->
Idilis ->
Lycamobile Romania ->
Căile Ferate Române ->
Swisscom AG ->
Sunrise Communications AG ->
Salt Mobile SA ->
Comfone AG ->
IN&Phone SA IN ->
TelCommunication Services AG ->
Comfone AG ->
Stadt Polizei Zürich ->
Swisscom Broadcast AG ->
Sunrise Communications AG ->
3G Mobile AG ->
relario AG ->
Barablu ->
UPC Schweiz GmbH upc ->
Lycamobile AG ->
WeMobile SA ->
SMSRelay AG ->
Mitto AG ->
Beeone Communications SA ->
Mundio Mobile Limited ->
Sunrise Communications AG ->
Compatel Ltd. ->
Telecom26 AG ->
Fink Telecom Services ->
Nth AG ->
Swisscom Broadcast AG ->
T-Mobile Czech Republic T ->
O2 Czech Republic ->
Vodafone Czech Republic ->
Nordic Telecom s.r.o. ->
PODA a.s. ->
Nordic Telecom 5G a.s. ->
ASTELNET, s.r.o. ->
Compatel s.r.o. ->
Mundio Distribution Czech Republic s.r.o. Vectone ->
Správa železniční dopravní cesty, s.o. ->
Vodafone Czech Republic ->
Orange Slovensko ->
Slovak Telekom ->
SWAN Mobile, a.s. ->
Slovak Telekom ->
Orange Slovensko ->
O2 Slovakia ->
Towercom, a. s. ->
Uniphone, s.r.o. ->
DSI DATA, a.s. ->
Železnice Slovenskej Republiky ->
A1 Telekom Austria A1 ->
A1 Telekom Austria ->
T-Mobile Austria GmbH ->
T-Mobile Austria GmbH ->
Hutchison Drei Austria ->
Orange Austria GmbH Orange ->
T-Mobile Austria tele ->
Lycamobile Austria ->
A1 Telekom Austria ->
Hutchison Drei Austria ->
A1 Telekom Austria ->
A1 Telekom Austria ->
T-Mobile Austria GmbH ->
Hutchison Drei Austria ->
Mundio Mobile Austria Vectone ->
Hutchison Drei Austria ->
MASS Response Service GmbH ->
smartspace GmbH ->
Hutchison Drei Austria ->
MTEL Austrija GmbH m ->
Salzburg AG für Energie, Verkehr und Telekommunikation ->
Plintron Austria Limited ->
T-Mobile Austria GmbH ->
Smartel Services GmbH ->
ArgoNET GmbH ->
BT Group ->
Mundio Mobile Limited Vectone ->
Telefónica Europe O2 ->
Guernsey Airtel Ltd ->
FMS Solutions Ltd FMS Solutions ->
COLT Mobile Telecommunications Limited ->
Internet Computer Bureau Limited ->
Vodafone Vodafone ->
BT OnePhone (UK) Ltd BT ->
Tismi BV ->
Telefónica Europe O2 ->
Telefónica Europe O2 ->
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd ->
Network Rail Infrastructure Ltd ->
Hay Systems Ltd Hay Systems ->
Vodafone Vodafone ->
TalkTalk Communications Limited Talk ->
FleXtel Limited ->
Cloud9 ->
Teleware plc Private Mobile Networks ->
Hutchison 3G UK Ltd ->
LogicStar Ltd ->
Telesign Mobile Limited ->
Icron Network Limited ->
Stour Marine Limited ->
Truphone ->
Lycamobile UK Limited ->
Teleena UK Limited ->
Marathon Telecom Limited ->
(aq) Limited ->
EE T-Mobile ->
EE T-Mobile ->
EE T-Mobile ->
EE ->
EE ->
JSC Ingenium (UK) Limited ->
Sure Isle of Man Ltd. Sure ->
Synectiv Ltd ->
Virgin Media Virgin ->
Gamma Telecom Holdings Ltd. ->
JT Group Limited ->
UK Broadband Limited ->
Shyam Telecom UK Ltd ->
Limitless Mobile Ltd ->
The Carphone Warehouse Limited iD ->
Sure (Guernsey) Limited Sure ->
Sky UK Limited ->
Manx Telecom ->
Limitless Mobile Ltd ->
AMSUK Ltd. ->
Home Office ->
Hanhaa Limited Hanhaa ->
Bluewave Communications Ltd ->
BT Group ->
Airwave Solutions Ltd ->
EE ->
EE ->
EE ->
UK Broadband Limited ->
University of Strathclyde ->
University of Strathclyde ->
University of Strathclyde ->
BT Group ->
Telet Research (N.I.) Limited ->
Vodafone United Kingdom Vodafone ->
Vodafone United Kingdom Vodafone ->
Hutchison 3G UK Ltd ->
Network Rail Infrastructure Limited ->
TDC A/S ->
Telenor Denmark ->
Syniverse Technologies ->
NextGen Mobile Ltd T/A CardBoardFish ->
Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S ->
Hi3G Denmark ApS ->
Mundio Mobile (Denmark) Limited Vectone ->
Voxbone mobile ->
Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S ->
TDC A/S ->
Dansk Beredskabskommunikation A/S ->
Lycamobile Denmark Ltd ->
Compatel Limited ->
Monty UK Global Limited ->
Ice Danmark ApS Net ->
Tismi B.V. ->
Gotanet AB ->
Cubic Telecom ->
Telia ->
Banedanmark GSM-R ->
SMS Provider Corp. ->
LINK Mobile A/S ->
Interactive digital media GmbH ->
Ericsson Danmark A/S ->
Greenwave Mobile IoT ApS ->
MobiWeb Limited ->
TT-Netværket P/S ->
Onomondo ApS ->
Telenor Denmark ->
Telia Danmark ->
Telia Sverige AB ->
HI3G Access AB ->
Netett Sverige AB Net ->
3G Infrastructure Services AB ->
Svenska UMTS-Nät AB Sweden ->
Telenor Sverige AB ->
Tele2 Sverige AB ->
Telenor Sverige AB ->
Communication for Devices in Sweden AB ->
Tele2 Sverige AB Spring ->
ComHem AB ->
Lycamobile Sweden Limited ->
Alltele Företag Sverige AB ->
Tele2 Business AB ->
Sierra Wireless Sweden AB ->
42 Telecom AB ->
Götalandsnätet AB ->
Generic Mobile Systems Sweden AB ->
Mundio Mobile (Sweden) Limited Vectone ->
Wireless Maingate Messaging Services AB ->
Trafikverket ICT ->
EuTel AB ->
Infobip Limited (UK) ->
Net4Mobility HB Sweden ->
Monty UK Global Ltd ->
Twilio Sweden AB ->
GlobeTouch AB ->
LINK Mobile A/S ->
Mercury International Carrier Services ->
NextGen Mobile Ltd. ->
RebTel Network AB ->
Compatel Limited ->
Mobile Arts AB ->
Trafikverket centralfunktion IT ->
42 Telecom LTD ->
interactive digital media GmbH ->
CLX Networks AB ->
Voxbone mobile ->
Borderlight AB ->
Netmore Group AB ->
Shyam Telecom UK Ltd. ->
Telenor Connexion AB ->
MobiWeb Ltd. ->
Telenabler AB ->
Spirius AB ->
SMS Provider Corp. ->
Viatel Sweden AB ->
Tismi BV ->
Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson ->
MessageBird B.V. ->
Fink Telecom Services ->
Telenor Norge AS ->
Telia Norge AS ->
Televerket AS ->
Tele2 (Mobile Norway AS) ->
Telia Norge AS ->
ICE Norge AS ->
Phonero AS ->
Telia Norge AS ->
Com4 AS ->
Norwegian Communications Authority ->
SystemNet AS ->
Telenor Norge AS ->
ICE Communication Norge AS ->
eRate Norway AS ->
Jernbaneverket AS ->
Jernbaneverket AS ->
Altibox AS ->
Lyca Mobile Ltd ->
Mobile Norway AS ->
Forsvarets kompetansesenter KKIS ->
Nokia Solutions and Networks Norge AS ->
TampNet AS ->
DNA Oy ->
DNA Oy ->
Elisa Oyj ->
Elisa Oyj ->
Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy ->
Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy ->
Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy ->
Traficom ->
Traficom ->
DNA Oy ->
DNA Oy ->
Ålands Telekommunikation Ab ->
Satakunnan ammattikorkeakoulu Oy ->
Oy Finland Tele2 AB ->
Liikennevirasto ->
Telia Finland Oyj ->
Elisa Oyj Elisa- ->
EXFO Oy ->
EXFO Oy ->
TTY-säätiö ->
Fortum Power and Heat Oy ->
Compatel Ltd ->
Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy ->
Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy ->
SCNL Truphone ->
Mundio Mobile Oy Vectone ->
Ukko Mobile Oy ->
Voxbone SA ->
Suomen Virveverkko Oy ->
Bittium Wireless Oy Bittium ->
Ukkoverkot Oy Ukko ->
Telia Finland Oyj / Suomen Yhteisverkko Oy Telia / ->
Tismi BV ->
Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy ->
Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy ->
Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy ->
Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy ->
SMS Provider Corp. ->
Telavox AB / Telavox Oy ->
Turun ammattikorkeakoulu Oy ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Aalto-korkeakoulusäätiö sr ->
Telia Finland Oyj ->
TeliaSonera Finland Oyj ->
Telia Lietuva ->
UAB Bitė Lietuva ->
UAB Tele2 (Tele2 AB, Sweden) ->
LR vidaus reikalų ministerija (Ministry of the Interior) ->
Lietuvos geležinkeliai (Lithuanian Railways) ->
UAB Mediafon ->
Compatel Ltd. ->
Lietuvos radijo ir televizijos centras ->
Interactive Digital Media GmbH ->
Latvian Mobile Telephone ->
Tele2 ->
Telekom Baltija ->
Beta Telecom ->
Bite Latvija ->
Rigatta ->
Camel Mobile ->
Telia Eesti ->
Elisa Eesti ->
Tele2 Eesti ->
OY Top Connect Top ->
CSC Telecom Estonia OÜ ->
Progroup Holding ->
Televõrgu AS ->
Bravo Telecom ->
Telcotrade OÜ ->
UAB Raystorm Eesti filiaal ->
Ntel Solutions OÜ ->
Telia Eesti AS ->
Estonian Crafts OÜ ->
Premium Net International S.R.L. Eesti filiaal ->
SmartTel Plus OÜ ->
Baltergo OÜ ->
Siseministeerium (Ministry of Interior) ->
Mobile TeleSystems ->
MegaFon PJSC ->
Nizhegorodskaya Cellular Communications ->
Sibchallenge ->
Yeniseytelecom ->
CJSC Saratov System of Cellular Communications ->
CS "VainahTelecom" Vainah ->
Khabarovsky Cellular Phone ->
Dontelekom ->
Scartel ->
Baykal Westcom ->
Kuban GSM ->
MegaFon OJSC ->
SMARTS Ufa, SMARTS Uljanovsk ->
Miatel ->
JSC Uralsvyazinform ->
NULL Osnova ->
Tele2 ->
JSC "GlobalTel ->
Vainakh Telecom ->
Tattelecom ->
Beeline ->
Iridium Communications ->
K-Telecom Win ->
Sevtelekom ->
Krymtelekom ->
Central Telecommunication Company Tambov ->
Stavtelesot / North Caucasian GSM -> ->
Tattelecom ->
KTK Telecom Volna ->
Intertelecom ->
Tinkoff Mobile Tinkoff ->
Votek Mobile ->
Sonic Duo CJSC Sonic ->
Primtelefon ->
Telecom XXI ->
OJSC Vimpel-Communications ->
Interdnestrcom ->
PRJSC "VF Ukraine ->
PRJSC "Kyivstar ->
PRJSC "Kyivstar ->
Intertelecom LLC ->
PRJSC "Kyivstar ->
lifecell LLC ->
Trimob LLC 3Mob; ->
JSC Ukrtelecom ->
PRJSC "Farlep-Invest ->
Atlantis Telecom LLC ->
PRJSC "Telesystems of Ukraine ->
Intertelecom LLC CDMA ->
PRJSC "Telesystems of Ukraine ->
Phoenix ->
A1 Belarus ->
Mobile TeleSystems ->
BelCel ->
Belarusian Telecommunications Network ->
Beltelecom ->
Belorussian Cloud Technologies ->
Orange Moldova ->
Moldtelecom ->
Eventis Telecom ->
Moldtelecom ->
Interdnestrcom ->
Moldtelecom ->
Polkomtel Sp. z o.o. ->
T-Mobile Polska S.A. T ->
Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o. ->
Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. ->
Polska Telefonia Komórkowa Centertel Sp. z o.o. ->
P4 Sp. z o.o. ->
Netia S.A. ->
E-Telko Sp. z o.o. ->
Lycamobile Sp. z o.o. ->
T-Mobile Polska S.A. T ->
Nordisk Polska Sp. z o.o. Nordisk ->
Cyfrowy Polsat S.A. Cyfrowy ->
Move Telecom S.A. ->
Telco Leaders Ltd ->
Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. ->
Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. ->
Aero 2 Sp. z o.o. ->
AMD Telecom S.A. AMD ->
SIA NetBalt ->
Wysyłaj SMS Polska Sp. z o.o. ->
Exteri Sp. z o.o. ->
Arcomm Sp. z o.o. ->
PGE Systemy S.A. ->
IT Partners Telco Sp. z o.o. ->
Claude ICT Poland Sp. z o.o. TeleCube ->
Advanced Technology & Experience Sp. z o.o. ->
SIA Ntel Solutions ->
PhoneNet Sp. z o.o. ->
Interfonica Sp. z o.o. ->
GrandTel Sp. z o.o. ->
Phone IT Sp. z o.o. Phone ->
Compatel Limited ->
Truphone Poland Sp. z o.o. ->
T-Mobile Polska S.A. ->
PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe S.A. ->
Mundio Mobile Vectone ->
CALLFREEDOM Sp. z o.o. ->
Interactive Digital Media GmbH ->
EZ PHONE MOBILE Sp. z o.o. ->
MobiWeb Telecom Limited ->
Smart Idea International Sp. z o.o. ->
Rebtel Poland Sp. z o.o. ->
Virgin Mobile Polska Sp. z o.o. ->
Terra Telekom Sp. z o.o. ->
SMShighway Limited ->
Messagebird B.V. ->
P4 Sp. z o.o. ->
Telekom Deutschland GmbH ->
Vodafone D2 GmbH ->
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. oHG ->
Vodafone D2 GmbH ->
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. oHG ->
Telekom Deutschland GmbH ->
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. oHG ->
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. oHG ->
Vodafone D2 GmbH ->
DB Netz AG ->
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. oHG ->
sipgate GmbH ->
Mobilcom Multimedia ->
Group 3G UMTS ->
Telogic Germany GmbH ->
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. oHG ->
NetCologne ->
Inquam Deutschland ->
Voiceworks GmbH ->
Multiconnect GmbH ->
sipgate Wireless GmbH ->
Drillisch Online AG ->
TelcoVillage GmbH ->
sipgate GmbH ->
First Telecom GmbH ->
Chaos Computer Club CCC ->
Lycamobile ->
DB Telematik ->
Ericsson GmbH ->
Nokia ->
Qualcomm CDMA Technologies GmbH ->
Core Network Dynamics GmbH ->
Siemens AG ->
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. oHG ->
Telekom Deutschland GmbH ->
ng4T GmbH ->
Nash Technologies ->
Gibtelecom ->
GibFibre Ltd ->
CTS Gibraltar CTS ->
Eazitelecom ->
Vodafone Portugal ->
Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais ->
NOS Comunicações ->
LycaMobile ->
Oniway - Inforcomunicaçôes, S.A. ->
Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais ->
Mundio Mobile (Portugal) Limited Vectone ->
Compatel, Limited ->
Infraestruturas de Portugal, S.A. ->
G9Telecom, S.A. ->
Zapp Portugal ->
Telecomunicações Móveis Nacionais ->
Vodafone Portugal ->
POST Luxembourg ->
MTX Connect S.a.r.l. ->
Bouygues Telecom S.A. ->
Blue Communications ->
Société Nationale des Chemins de Fer Luxembourgeois ->
Tango SA ->
Interactive digital media GmbH ->
Mitto AG ->
Syniverse Technologies S.à r.l. ->
E-Lux Mobile Telecommunication S.A. ->
Orange S.A. ->
Vodafone Ireland ->
Hutchison 3G Ireland limited ->
Eir Group plc ->
Access Telecom ->
Hutchison 3G Ireland limited ->
Eir Group plc ->
Eir Group plc ->
Clever Communications Ltd. ->
Liffey Telecom Tesco ->
Lycamobile ->
UPC Virgin ->
Carphone Warehouse Carphone ->
Hutchison 3G Ireland limited ->
Cubic Telecom Limited ->
Net Feasa Limited ->
Iceland Telecom ->
Og fjarskipti hf ->
Og fjarskipti hf ->
IMC Island ehf ->
Halló Frjáls fjarskipti hf. ->
Núll níu ehf ->
IceCell ehf ->
Iceland Telecom On ->
Nova ehf ->
IP fjarskipti ->
Tismi BV ->
Landhelgisgæslan (Icelandic Coast Guard) ->
Iceland Telecom ->
Telekom Albania Telekom ->
Vodafone Albania ->
Albtelecom Eagle ->
Plus Communication Plus ->
Vodafone Malta ->
YOM Ltd. ->
Mobile Communications Limited ->
Mobile Communications Limited ->
Melita ->
Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Cytamobile ->
Cyprus Telecommunications Authority Cytamobile ->
Monaco Telecom ->
PrimeTel PLC ->
Lemontel Ltd ->
Mundio Mobile Cyprus Ltd. Vectone ->
Silknet ->
MagtiCom ->
MagtiCom ->
Mobitel ->
Silknet ->
JSC Compatel ->
GlobalCell ->
Silknet Silk ->
Gmobile ->
Premium Net International SRL ->
Mobilive ->
Datacomm Ltd ->
Asanet Ltd ->
Veon Armenia CJSC ->
Karabakh Telecom Karabakh ->
K Telecom CJSC VivaCell ->
Ucom LLC ->
A1 Bulgaria ->
BTC ->
Telenor (Bulgaria) ->
Bulsatcom -> JSC Ти ->
Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri A.S. ->
Vodafone Turkey ->
Türk Telekom Türk ->
Aycell ->
Faroese Telecom Faroese ->
Vodafone Faroe Islands ->
Tosa Sp/F ->
Aquafon JSC ->
A-Mobile LLSC A ->
TELE Greenland A/S ->
inu:it a/s Nuuk ->
San Marino Telecom ->
SŽ - Infrastruktura, d.o.o. ->
A1 Slovenija ->
Telekom Slovenije ->
T-2 d.o.o. T ->
Tušmobil d.o.o. ->
Makedonski Telekom Telekom ->
Lycamobile LLC ->
WTI Macedonia ->
Swisscom Schweiz AG ->
Salt Liechtenstein AG ->
Telecom Liechtenstein AG ->
Cubic Telecom AG Cubic ->
First Mobile AG ->
EMnify GmbH ->
Soracom LI Ltd. ->
DIMOCO Messaging AG ->
Alpcom AG ->
Telenor Montenegro ->
T-Mobile Montenegro LLC T ->
MTEL CG m:tel ->
Data on Tap Inc. ->
Xplornet Communications ->
Xplornet Communications ->
Cogeco Connexion Inc. ->
Telus Mobility Telus Mobility, Koodo Mobile, Public ->
Telus Mobility ->
Telus Mobility ->
ALO Mobile Inc. ->
Bragg Communications ->
Airtel Wireless Airtel ->
Ambra Solutions ->
Ambra Solutions ->
Rogers Communications Rogers ->
Blue Canada Wireless Inc. ->
Execulink ->
FIRST Networks Operations ->
Telus Mobility ->
Telus Mobility ->
Fido Solutions (Rogers Wireless) ->
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Mobile Keewaytinook ->
Dryden Mobility ->
A.B.C. Allen Business Communications Ltd. ->
SSi Connexions ->
Shaw Communications Freedom ->
Shaw Communications Freedom ->
Videotron ->
Videotron ->
Videotron ->
Keewaytinook Okimakanak Mobile Keewaytinook ->
Rovvr Communications Inc. ->
Star Solutions International Inc. ->
Lynx Mobility Lynx ->
LightSquared ->
Quadro Communications Co-op Quadro ->
Iristel ->
Bell Mobility Bell ->
ICE Wireless ICE ->
Bell Aliant Aliant ->
Bell Mobility ->
Thunder Bay Telephone ->
BC Tel Mobility (Telus) ->
Telus Mobility ->
Bell MTS ->
Thunder Bay Telephone Mobility ->
Telus Mobility ->
Bell MTS ->
CityWest CityTel ->
SaskTel Mobility ->
Bell Mobility ->
MB Tel Mobility ->
MT&T Mobility (Aliant) ->
New Tel Mobility (Aliant) ->
Rogers Communications Rogers ->
Rogers Communications Rogers ->
TerreStar Networks TerreStar ->
Shaw Communications Shaw ->
SaskTel Mobility ->
Telus Mobility Public ->
TNW Wireless Inc. TNW ->
SaskTel Mobility ->
NetSet Communications ->
Rogers Communications Rogers ->
Telus Mobility ->
Shared Telus, Bell, and SaskTel Bell / Telus / ->
Rogers Communications Rogers ->
Wightman Telecom Wightman ->
Ericsson Canada ->
Halton Regional Police Service ->
St. Pierre-et-Miquelon Télécom ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Southern Communications Southern ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
North Sight Communications Inc. ->
Union Telephone Company Union ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
IT&E Overseas, Inc IT&E ->
Guam Telephone Authority ->
Airpeak ->
ETEX Communications, LP ETEX ->
Matanuska Telephone Association, Inc. ->
Alaska Communications ->
Sprint Virgin ->
Alltel US ->
Consolidated Telcom ->
U.S. Cellular U.S. ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
New Mexico RSA 4 East LP Plateau ->
PTI Pacifica Inc. IT&E ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Carolina West Wireless Carolina West ->
Teleguam Holdings, LLC GTA ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
T-Mobile US T ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
West Central Wireless West ->
Alaska Communications ->
T-Mobile ->
T-Mobile ->
T-Mobile ->
T-Mobile ->
T-Mobile ->
T-Mobile ->
T-Mobile USA T ->
T-Mobile ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
NEP Cellcorp Inc. ->
iSmart Mobile, LLC Big Sky ->
T-Mobile ->
Farmers Wireless ->
Smith Bagley, Inc. Cellular ->
Wireless Partners, LLC ->
Limitless Mobile, LLC Limitless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Cellular Network Partnership Pioneer ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
TX-11 Acquisition, LLC Cellular One of East ->
Wave Runner LLC ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
Cincinnati Bell Wireless Cincinnati ->
GCI Communications Corp. ->
Numerex ->
Viaero Wireless ->
NewCore Wireless LLC ->
NTT DoCoMo Pacific ->
Wave Runner LLC ->
T-Mobile ->
Public Service Cellular Inc. ->
Nsight ->
Transaction Network Services ->
Iowa Wireless Services LLC ->
Hilliary Communications ->
Syniverse Technologies ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
TX-10, LLC and Central Louisiana Cellular, LLC (MTPCS) Cellular ->
Inland Cellular Telephone Company ->
NULL Cellular ->
Verizon Wireless ->
NewCell Inc. ->
Elkhart Telephone Co. Epic ->
Nsighttel Wireless LLC ->
Agri-Valley Communications ->
Numerex ->
Jasper Technologies ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
Limitless Mobile, LLC Limitless ->
Cross Valiant Cellular Partnership Bigfoot ->
Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative ->
Syniverse Technologies ->
U.S. Cellular U.S. ->
Viaero Wireless ->
East Kentucky Network, LLC Appalachian ->
Lynch 3G Communications Corporation ->
Iowa Wireless Services ->
D. D. Inc. Dispatch ->
PinPoint Communications Inc. ->
T-Mobile ->
Pacific Lightwave Inc. ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Telecom North America Mobile, Inc. telna ->
Aeris Communications, Inc. ->
TX RSA 15B2, LP Five Star ->
Kaplan Telephone Company ->
Advantage Cellular Systems, Inc. DTC ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Cable & Communications Corporation Mid-Rivers ->
Verizon Wireless ->
James Valley Wireless, LLC ->
Copper Valley Wireless ->
Tyntec Inc. ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
UBET Wireless ->
Globalstar ->
Texas RSA 7B3 Peoples ->
Evolve Cellular Inc. Evolve ->
Mid-Tex Cellular Ltd. West Central ->
Chariton Valley Communications Chariton ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Missouri RSA 5 Partnership Chariton ->
Americell PA 3 Partnership Indigo ->
Commnet Wireless Choice ->
Thumb Cellular LP ->
Space Data Corporation ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
Pine Telephone Company Pine ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
Nex-Tech Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Wave Runner LLC ->
Lightsquared L.P. ->
Cross Telephone Company Bravado ->
Wilkes Cellular ->
Lightsquared L.P. ->
Tampnet ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
Telnyx LLC ->
U.S. Cellular U.S. ->
Cellular South Inc. C Spire ->
Cordova Wireless ->
Wave Runner LLC ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
PinPoint Communications Inc. ->
Nexus Communications, Inc. ->
Leaco Rural Telephone Company Inc. ->
Commnet Wireless Choice ->
Bug Tussel Wireless LLC Bug Tussel ->
Illinois Valley Cellular ->
Sagebrush Cellular, Inc. ->
Stelera Wireless ->
General Communication Inc. GCI ->
New Dimension Wireless Ltd. ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Iowa RSA No. 2 LP Chat ->
Northwest Missouri Cellular LP ->
RSA 1 LP Chat ->
Bluegrass Cellular LLC ->
Panhandle Telecommunication Systems Inc. ->
Electric Imp Inc. ->
Vitelcom Cellular Inc. ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Mosaic Telecom ->
Ligado Networks ->
Lightsquared L.P. ->
NewCore Wireless LLC ->
Proximiti Mobility Inc. ->
Commnet Wireless LLC Choice ->
OTZ Communications, Inc. OTZ ->
Bend Cable Communications LLC ->
U.S. Cellular U.S. ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Limitless Mobile, LLC Limitless ->
North Dakota Network Co. SRT ->
TerreStar Networks, Inc. ->
Cellular South Inc. C Spire ->
Standing Rock Telecommunications Rock ->
United Wireless United ->
Metro by T-Mobile ->
Pine Belt Cellular Inc. Pine Belt ->
GreenFly LLC ->
TeleBEEPER of New Mexico ->
Midwest Network Solutions Hub LLC ->
Northeast Wireless Networks LLC ->
MainePCS LLC ->
Proximiti Mobility Inc. ->
Telalaska Cellular ->
Flat Wireless LLC ->
Edigen Inc. ->
Altiostar Networks, Inc. ->
American Samoa Telecommunications ->
Coleman County Telephone Cooperative, Inc. ->
Bluegrass Cellular LLC ->
Bluegrass Cellular LLC ->
Sonus Networks ->
Thumb Cellular LP ->
Nsight ->
Nsight ->
Uintah Basin Electronic Telecommunications ->
Sprint Corporation Boost ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Globecomm Network Services Corporation ->
GigSky ->
SI Wireless LLC ->
Missouri RSA 5 Partnership Chariton ->
Syringa Wireless ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Enhanced Telecommmunications Corp. ->
Lycamobile USA Inc. ->
Big River Broadband, LLC Big River ->
LigTel Communications ->
VTel Wireless ->
Chariton Valley Communications Corporation, Inc Chariton ->
Infrastructure Networks, LLC ->
Cross Wireless Bravado ->
Custer Telephone Co-op (CTCI) ->
Fuego Wireless ->
CoverageCo ->
Adams Networks Inc ->
South Georgia Regional Information Technology Authority ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
ClearSky Technologies, Inc. ->
Texas Energy Network LLC ->
East Kentucky Network, LLC Appalachian ->
East Kentucky Network, LLC Appalachian ->
Cleveland Unlimited, Inc. Revol ->
Northwest Missouri Cellular LP ->
RSA1 Limited Partnership Chat ->
Iowa RSA No. 2 LP Chat ->
Limitless Mobile LLC ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Voyager Mobility LLC ->
Aspenta International, Inc. ->
Chariton Valley Communications Corporation, Inc. Chariton ->
North Dakota Network Co. SRT ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Central LTE Holdings ->
Cellular Network Partnership Pioneer ->
Cellular Network Partnership Pioneer ->
Uintah Basin Electronic Telecommunications ->
Telecom North America Mobile, Inc. telna ->
Clear Stream Communications, LLC ->
RTC Communications LLC ->
Nemont Communications, Inc. ->
Matanuska Telephone Association, Inc. ->
Triangle Communication System Inc. ->
Wes-Tex Telecommunications, Ltd. ->
Commnet Wireless Choice ->
Copper Valley Wireless ->
FTC Communications LLC FTC ->
Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative Mid-Rivers ->
Eltopia Communications, LLC ->
Nex-Tech Wireless ->
Silver Star Communications ->
Consolidated Telcom ->
Cable & Communications Corporation ->
Ketchikan Public Utilities (KPU) ->
Carolina West Wireless Carolina West ->
Sagebrush Cellular, Inc. ->
TrustComm, Inc. ->
AB Spectrum LLC ->
WUE Inc. ->
Sprint Corporation ->
Broadband In Hand LLC ->
Great Plains Communications, Inc. ->
NHLT Inc. ->
Buffalo-Lake Erie Wireless Systems Co., LLC Blue ->
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP ->
Northern Michigan University ->
Sagebrush Cellular, Inc. ->
nTelos Licenses, Inc. ->
GlobeTouch Inc. ->
NetGenuity, Inc. ->
Sagebrush Cellular, Inc. ->
365 Wireless LLC ->
nTelos Wireless ->
AT&T Mobility ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
Wireless Partners, LLC ->
Great North Woods Wireless LLC ->
Southern Communications Services Southern ->
Triangle Communication System Inc. ->
KDDI America, Inc. Locus ->
Artemis Networks LLC ->
Arctic Slope Telephone Association Cooperative ->
Verizon Wireless ->
Redzone Wireless ->
Gila Electronics ->
Cirrus Core Networks ->
Bristol Bay Telephone Cooperative ->
Santel Communications Cooperative, Inc. ->
Kings County Office of Education ->
South Georgia Regional Information Technology Authority ->
Onvoy Spectrum, LLC ->
Flat Wireless, LLC ->
GigSky Mobile, LLC ->
Albemarle County Public Schools ->
Circle Gx ->
Flat West Wireless, LLC ->
East Kentucky Network, LLC Appalachian ->
Northeast Wireless Networks LLC ->
Hewlett-Packard Communication Services, LLC ->
Webformix ->
Custer Telephone Co-op (CTCI) ->
M&A Technology, Inc. ->
IOSAZ Intellectual Property LLC ->
Mark Twain Communications Company ->
Premier Holdings LLC Premier ->
Tennessee Wireless ->
Cross Wireless LLC Bravado ->
Cambridge Telephone Company Inc. CTC ->
Eagle Telephone System Inc. Snake River ->
Nucla-Naturita Telephone Company NNTC ->
Manti Tele Communications Company, Inc. Breakaway ->
Country Wireless ->
Midwest Network Solutions Hub LLC ->
Speedwavz LLP ->
Vivint Wireless, Inc. ->
700 MHz Public Safety Broadband ->
700 MHz Public Safety Broadband ->
Mercury Network Corporation ->
AT&T Mobility AT ->
Custer Telephone Co-op (CTCI) ->
Velocity Communications Inc. ->
Fundamental Holdings, Corp. Peak ->
Imperial County Office of Education ->
Expeto Wireless Inc. ->
Blackstar Management ->
King Street Wireless, LP ->
Gulf Coast Broadband LLC ->
Cambio WiFi of Delmarva, LLC ->
CAL.NET, Inc. ->
Paladin Wireless ->
CenturyTel Broadband Services LLC ->
Dish Network ->
Dish Network ->
Dish Network ->
Red Truck Wireless, LLC ->
OptimERA Inc. ->
Altice USA Wireless, Inc. ->
Texoma Communications, LLC ->
pdvWireless ->
Hudson Valley Wireless ->
Arvig Enterprises, Inc. ->
Spectrum Wireless Holdings, LLC ->
Mobi, Inc. ->
San Diego Gas & Electric Company ->
Ready Wireless, LLC ->
Puloli, Inc. ->
Shelcomm, Inc. ->
Puerto Rico Telecom Company ->
Florida Broadband, Inc. ->
Nokia Innovations US LLC ->
Mile High Networks LLC ->
Transit Wireless LLC ->
Reserved for Public Safety ->
Citizens Broadband Radio Service ->
Nextel Communications ->
Southern Communications Services Southern ->
PR Wireless Open ->
América Móvil Claro Puerto ->
PR Wireless Open ->
Comunicaciones Digitales Del Norte, S.A. de C.V. ->
AT&T Mexico AT ->
América Móvil ->
Telefónica ->
AT&T Mexico ->
AT&T Mexico AT&T / ->
Servicios de Acceso Inalambrico, S.A. de C.V. ->
Telefonos de México, S.A.B. de C.V. ->
AT&T Mexico ->
AT&T Mexico ->
AT&T Mexico AT ->
Telecomunicaciones de México ->
Maxcom Telecomunicaciones, S.A.B. de C.V. ->
Quickly Phone, S.A. de C.V. ->
Axtel, S.A.B. de C.V. ->
Altán Redes S.A.P.I. de C.V. Altan ->
Ultravisión, S.A. de C.V. ->
LIME (Cable & Wireless) ->
Symbiote Investment Limited ->
Digicel ->
Oceanic Digital Jamaica Limited ->
Cable & Wireless Communications ->
Cable & Wireless Communications ->
Orange Caraïbe Mobiles ->
Outremer Telecom SFR ->
UTS Caraïbe ->
Dauphin Telecom ->
Free Mobile ->
Guadeloupe Téléphone Mobile ->
Guyane Téléphone Mobile ->
Martinique Téléphone Mobile ->
DIGICEL Antilles Française Guyane ->
LIME (formerly known as Cable & Wireless) ->
Digicel (Barbados) Limited ->
Ozone Wireless Inc. ->
Sunbeach Communications ->
Antigua Public Utilities Authority ->
Antigua Wireless Ventures Limited ->
Cable & Wireless Caribbean Cellular (Antigua) Limited ->
AT&T Wireless ->
WestTel Ltd. ->
Digicel Cayman Ltd. ->
Cable & Wireless (Cayman Islands) Limited ->
Cable & Wireless ->
BVI Cable TV Ltd ->
Caribbean Cellular Telephone CCT ->
Digicel (BVI) Limited ->
Bermuda Digital Communications Ltd. ->
Telecommunications (Bermuda & West Indies) Ltd Digicel ->
M3 Wireless ->
Telecom Networks ->
Deltronics ->
FKB Net Ltd. ->
Digicel Grenada Ltd. ->
Cable & Wireless Grenada Ltd. ->
Cable & Wireless ->
Wireless Ventures (St Kitts-Nevis) Limited ->
UTS ->
Cable & Wireless St. Kitts & Nevis Ltd ->
Cable & Wireless ->
Digicel (St. Vincent and the Grenadines) Limited ->
NULL Cingular ->
Cable & Wireless (St. Vincent & the Grenadines) Ltd ->
Eutel N.V. ->
WICC N.V. ->
Telcell N.V. ->
East Caribbean Cellular ->
United Telecommunication Service N.V. (UTS) ->
United Telecommunication Service N.V. (UTS) ->
CSC N.V. ->
Curaçao Telecom N.V. ->
Curaçao Telecom N.V. ->
PCS N.V. ->
Antiliano Por N.V. ->
Telefonia Bonairiano N.V. ->
United Telecommunication Service N.V. (UTS) ->
Bòbò Frus N.V. ->
E.O.C.G. Wireless ->
Servicio di Telecomunicacion di Aruba ->
Digicel Aruba ->
The Bahamas Telecommunications Company Ltd (BaTelCo) ->
Cable Bahamas Ltd ->
Digicel ->
Cable & Wireless ->
Digicel Group Limited ->
Cable & Wireless ->
Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Cuba, SA ->
Altice Group ->
Compañía Dominicana de Teléfonos ->
Altice Group ->
Trilogy Dominicana, S.A. ->
WIND Telecom, S.A ->
Communication Cellulaire d'Haiti S.A. ->
Unigestion Holding S.A. ->
Digicel (Trinidad & Tobago) Limited ->
LaqTel Ltd. ->
Cable & Wireless West Indies Ltd (Turks & Caicos) ->
Digicel (Turks & Caicos) Limited ->
Cable & Wireless West Indies Ltd (Turks & Caicos) ->
Cable & Wireless West Indies Ltd (Turks & Caicos) ->
Azerfon Nar ->
Special State Protection Service of the Republic of Azerbaijan ->
Nakhtel LLC ->
KaR-Tel LLP ->
Kcell JSC ->
Altel ->
MTS Tele2 ->
B-Mobile / Bhutan Telecom Ltd. B ->
Tashi InfoComm Limited ->
Haryana Vodafone ->
Punjab ->
Himachal Pradesh ->
Delhi & NCR ->
Gujarat Vodafone ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana ->
Assam ->
Delhi & NCR ->
Delhi & NCR Vodafone ->
Haryana ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Vodafone ->
Punjab ->
Uttar Pradesh (East) Vodafone ->
North East ->
West Bengal ->
Himachal Pradesh ->
Kerala ->
Mumbai Vodafone ->
Mumbai Loop ->
Maharashtra & Goa ->
Gujarat ->
Bihar ->
Maharashtra & Goa Vodafone ->
Orissa ->
Assam ->
Kolkata Vodafone ->
Kolkata ->
Haryana ->
Himachal Pradesh ->
Bihar & Jharkhand ->
Jammu & Kashmir ->
Assam ->
Chennai ->
Chennai ->
Tamil Nadu ->
Tamil Nadu Vodafone ->
Karnataka ->
Karnataka ->
Kerala Vodafone ->
Unknown Dishnet ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana ->
North East ->
Himachal Pradesh ->
Orissa ->
Punjab ->
Uttar Pradesh (West) ->
Uttar Pradesh (East) ->
Uttar Pradesh (West) ->
Gujarat ->
Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh ->
Rajasthan ->
Rajasthan Vodafone ->
Jammu & Kashmir ->
Chennai ->
Maharashtra & Goa ->
Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh ->
Delhi & NCR ->
Mumbai ->
Rajasthan ->
Karnataka (Bangalore) ->
Kerala ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana ->
West Bengal ->
Bihar ->
Orissa ->
North East ->
Madhya Pradesh & Chattishgarh ->
Andaman Nicobar ->
Tamil Nadu ->
Kolkata ->
Himachal Pradesh ->
Kolkata ->
Chennai Vodafone ->
West Bengal ->
Karnataka Vodafone ->
Rajasthan ->
Vodafone Punjab Vodafone ->
Uttar Pradesh (East) ->
Maharashtra ->
Kolkata ->
Mumbai ->
Madhya Pradesh ->
Tamil Nadu ->
Kerala ->
Haryana ->
Uttar Pradesh (West) ->
Gujarat ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana TATA ->
Assam TATA ->
Bihar/Jharkhand TATA ->
Chennai TATA ->
Delhi TATA ->
Bihar ->
Gujarat TATA ->
Haryana TATA ->
Himachal Pradesh TATA ->
Jammu & Kashmir TATA ->
Karnataka TATA ->
Kerala TATA ->
Kolkata TATA ->
Maharashtra & Goa TATA ->
Madhya Pradesh TATA ->
Mumbai TATA ->
Chennai ->
Orissa TATA ->
Punjab TATA ->
Rajasthan TATA ->
Tamil Nadu including Chennai TATA ->
Uttar Pradesh (E) TATA ->
Uttar Pradesh (W) & Uttarakhand TATA ->
West Bengal TATA ->
Delhi & NCR ->
Gujarat ->
Haryana ->
Himachal Pradesh ->
Jammu & Kashmir ->
Karnataka ->
Kerala ->
Kolkata ->
Maharashtra & Goa ->
Madhya Pradesh ->
Mumbai ->
Orissa ->
Punjab ->
Rajasthan ->
Tamil Nadu ->
Uttar Pradesh (East) ->
Uttar Pradesh (West) ->
West Bengal ->
West Bengal ->
Bihar & Jharkhand ->
Orissa ->
Uttar Pradesh (East) ->
Jammu & Kashmir ->
Assam ->
Uttar Pradesh (West) Vodafone ->
West Bengal Vodafone ->
Bihar & Jharkhand ->
Jammu & Kashmir Vodafone ->
Assam Vodafone ->
Bihar & Jharkhand Vodafone ->
Orissa Vodafone ->
Himachal Pradesh Vodafone ->
North East Vodafone ->
Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh Vodafone ->
Mumbai ->
Delhi & NCR ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana ->
Gujarat ->
Karnataka ->
Maharashtra & Goa ->
Mumbai ->
Rajasthan ->
Haryana ->
Madhya Pradesh ->
Kerala ->
Uttar Pradesh (East) ->
Uttar Pradesh (West) ->
Punjab ->
Uttar Pradesh (West) ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana ->
Karnataka ->
Kerala ->
Kolkata ->
Assam Videocon ->
Gujarat Videocon ->
Madhya Pradesh Videocon ->
West Bengal ->
Delhi & NCR ->
Assam ->
Jammu & Kashmir ->
Karnataka ->
Kolkata ->
North East ->
Orissa ->
Punjab ->
Tamil Nadu ->
West Bengal ->
Andhra Pradesh ->
Assam ->
Bihar ->
Gujarat ->
Haryana ->
Himachal Pradesh ->
Jammu & Kashmir ->
Karnataka ->
Kerala ->
Madhya Pradesh ->
Maharashtra ->
North East ->
Orissa ->
Punjab ->
Rajasthan ->
Tamil Nadu (incl. Chennai) ->
Uttar Pradesh (West) ->
Uttar Pradesh (East) ->
Delhi ->
Kolkata ->
Mumbai ->
Assam ->
West Bengal ->
Assam S ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana ->
Delhi ->
Haryana ->
Maharashtra ->
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana Etisalat DB ->
Delhi & NCR Etisalat DB ->
Gujarat Etisalat DB ->
Kerala Etisalat DB ->
Gujarat ->
Maharashtra ->
Mobilink-PMCL ->
PTCL 3G EVO / CharJi ->
Pakistan Telecommunication Mobile Ltd ->
China Mobile ->
SCO Mobile Ltd SCO ->
Telenor Pakistan ->
WaridTel ->
SCO Mobile Ltd SCO ->
Afghan Wireless Communication Company ->
Telecom Development Company Afghanistan Ltd. ->
MTN Group Afghanistan ->
Etisalat Afghanistan ->
WASEL Afghanistan ->
Afghan Telecom ->
Afghan Telecom ->
Mobitel (Pvt) Ltd ->
Dialog Axiata PLC ->
Etisalat Lanka (Pvt) Ltd ->
Lanka Bell Ltd Lanka ->
Bharti Airtel Lanka (Pvt) Ltd ->
Hutchison Telecommunications Lanka (Pvt) Ltd ->
Hutchison Telecommunications Lanka (Pvt) Ltd ->
Dialog Broadband Networks (Pvt) Ltd ->
Sri Lanka Telecom PLC ->
Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications ->
Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications ->
Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications ->
Myanmar Economic Corporation ->
Myanmar Posts and Telecommunications ->
Ooredoo Myanmar ->
Telenor Myanmar ->
Myanmar National Tele & Communication Co., Ltd ->
Amara Communication Co., Ltd ->
Amara Communication Co., Ltd ->
Fortune Telecom Co., Ltd ->
Global Technology Co., Ltd ->
MIC 1 ->
MIC 2 ->
Ogero Telecom Ogero ->
Jordan Mobile Telephone Services zain ->
XPress Telecom XPress ->
Umniah Mobile Company ->
Petra Jordanian Mobile Telecommunications Company (MobileCom) ->
Syriatel Mobile Telecom ->
MTN Syria ->
Syrian Telecom ->
Asia Cell Telecommunications Company Asia ->
Asia Cell Telecommunications Company Asia ->
Zain Iraq ->
Zain Iraq ->
Telecom Ltd ->
Mobitel Co. Ltd. ->
Itisaluna Wireless CO. ->
Omnnea Wireless ->
Zain Kuwait zain ->
National Mobile Telecommunications K.S.C ->
Saudi Telecom Company ->
Saudi Telecom Company Al Jawal ->
Etihad Etisalat Company ->
Zain Saudi Arabia Zain ->
Virgin Mobile Saudi Arabia Virgin ->
Lebara Mobile Lebara ->
Saudi Railways GSM ->
Spacetel Yemen ->
Yemen Mobile Yemen ->
Y HiTS ->
Oman Telecommunications Company ->
Omani Qatari Telecommunications Company SAOC ->
Oman Telecommunications Company ->
Emirates Telecom Corp ->
Emirates Integrated Telecommunications Company ->
Partner Communications Company Ltd. ->
Cellcom Israel Ltd. ->
Pelephone Communications Ltd. ->
Globalsim Ltd ->
Palestine Cellular Communications Ltd. ->
Wataniya Palestine Ltd. (Ooredoo) Wataniya ->
Hot Mobile Ltd. Hot ->
Golan Telecom Ltd. Golan ->
Marathon 018 Xphone Ltd. ->
Partner Communications Company Ltd. ->
365 Telecom ->
Free Telecom ->
Ituran Cellular Communications ->
Alon Cellular Ltd. ->
Home Cellular Ltd. Home ->
Rami Levy Communications Ltd. Rami ->
Gale Phone ->
Cellact Communications Ltd. Cellact ->
019 Communication Services Ltd. / TELZAR 019 ->
Bezeq The Israeli Telecommunication Corp Ltd. ->
B.I.P. Communications Ltd. Bezeq ->
Beezz Communication Solutions Ltd. ->
Partner Communications Company Ltd. 012 ->
Israel Ministry of Defense ->
LB Annatel Ltd. ->
PHI Networks ->
CG Networks ->
Bahrain Telecommunications Company ->
Zain Bahrain zain ->
Civil Aviation Authority ->
STC Bahrain ->
Bahrain Telecommunications Company ->
ooredoo ->
Vodafone Qatar ->
Ministry of Interior Ministry of ->
Ministry of Interior Ministry of ->
Unitel LLC ->
Skytel LLC ->
G-Mobile LLC G ->
Mobicom Corporation ->
Nepal Telecom (NDCL) Namaste / NT Mobile / Sky ->
Ncell Pvt. Ltd. ->
United Telecom Limited ->
Smart Telecom Pvt. Ltd. (STPL) ->
Ertebatat Iran ->
Azartel Mobile ->
Shatel Mobile Shatel ->
Samantel Mobile ->
Mobile Communications Company of Iran (MCI) IR-TCI (Hamrah-e ->
Dadeh Dostar asr Novin p.j.s. co & Information Technology Company of Iran Avacell ->
Telecommunication Kish Company TKC ->
Mobile Telecommunications Company of Esfahan Espadan (JV ->
Social Security Investment Co. ->
Social Security Investment Co. ->
TCI of Iran and Iran Mobin ->
MTN Irancell Telecommunications Services Company MTN ->
Ertebatat Mobinnet ->
Arya Resaneh Tadbir ->
Telephone Communications Company of Iran ->
Telephone Communications Company of Iran KOOHE ->
Farzanegan Pars Farzanegan ->
TCI of Iran and Rightel TCI (GSM ->
Buztel ->
Uzmacom ->
Uzbektelekom ->
Unitel LLC ->
Coscom ->
Universal Mobile Systems ->
Uzbektelekom ->
OOO «Super iMAX» ->
JV Somoncom ->
Indigo Tajikistan ->
TT Mobile ->
Babilon-Mobile Babilon ->
Tacom ZET ->
Babilon-T Babilon ->
Indigo ->
Sky Mobile LLC ->
7 Mobile ->
Alfa Telecom CJSC ->
NurTelecom LLC ->
Saima Telecom ->
iTel ->
MTS Turkmenistan ->
Altyn Asyr TM ->
SoftBank Corp. Y ->
UQ Communications Inc. UQ ->
Hanshin Cable Engineering Co., Ltd. ->
Internet Initiative Japan Inc. ->
Japan Radio Company, Ltd. ->
Wireless City Planning Inc. ->
SAKURA Internet Inc. ->
LTE-X, Inc. ->
Panasonic Systems Solutions Japan Co., Ltd. ->
Marubeni Wireless Communications Inc. ->
NTT DoCoMo, Inc. NTT ->
Rakuten Mobile Network, Inc. ->
Cable media waiwai Co., Ltd. ->
SoftBank Corp. ->
SoftBank Corp. ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
KDDI Corporation ->
Okinawa Cellular Telephone ->
Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games ->
SoftBank Corp. ->
UQ Communications Inc. UQ ->
Globalstar Asia Pacific ->
KT ->
Shinsegi Telecom, Inc. Power ->
KT ->
SK Telecom ->
LG Telecom LG ->
KT ->
KT ->
Korea Cable Telecom ->
SK Telecom ->
Vietnam Mobile Telecom Services Company ->
Vietnam Telecom Services Company ->
S-Telecom S ->
Viettel Telecom Viettel ->
Hanoi Telecom ->
EVN Telecom ->
GTEL Mobile JSC ->
Indochina Telecom I ->
CSL Limited 1O1O / One2Free / New World Mobility / ->
CITIC Telecom 1616 ->
CSL Limited ->
Hutchison Telecom ->
Hutchison Telecom 3 ->
Hutchison Telecom 3 ->
SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited ->
China Unicom (Hong Kong) Limited China ->
Truphone Limited ->
China Motion Telecom ->
CSL Limited New World ->
China-Hong Kong Telecom ->
China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited CMCC ->
China Mobile Hong Kong Company Limited CMCC ->
Hutchison Telecom ->
SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited ->
PCCW PCCW Mobile ->
SmarTone Mobile Communications Limited ->
CSL Limited ->
21Vianet Mobile Ltd. ->
263 Mobile Communications (HongKong) Limited ->
Lycamobile Hong Kong Ltd ->
Multibyte Info Technology Ltd ->
Hong Kong Government ->
Hong Kong Government ->
China Data Enterprises Ltd ->
China Telecom Global Limited ->
Hong Kong Broadband Network Ltd ->
Webbing Hong Kong Ltd ->
Smartone – Comunicações Móveis, S.A. ->
Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L. ->
China Telecom (Macau) Company Limited China ->
Hutchison Telephone (Macau), Limitada ->
Companhia de Telecomunicações de Macau, S.A.R.L. ->
Hutchison Telephone (Macau), Limitada ->
Smartone – Comunicações Móveis, S.A. ->
China Telecom (Macau) Limitada China ->
CamGSM / The Royal Group ->
Smart Axiata Co. Ltd ->
Cambodia Advance Communications Co. Ltd ->
Cambodia Advance Communications Co. Ltd ->
Smart Axiata Co. Ltd ->
Smart Axiata Co. Ltd ->
Viettel ->
Viettel ->
SEATEL Cambodia ->
The Royal Group ->
Lao Telecom ->
Enterprise of Telecommunications Lao ->
Star Telecom Co., Ltd ->
VimpelCom Lao Ltd ->
China Mobile China ->
China Unicom China ->
China Mobile China ->
China Telecom China ->
Global Star Satellite China ->
China Telecom China ->
China Unicom China ->
China Mobile China ->
China Mobile China ->
China Unicom China ->
China Telecom China ->
China Tietong China ->
Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd ->
Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd ->
Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd ->
Asia Pacific Telecom ->
Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd ->
Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd ->
Vmax Telecom ->
Global Mobile Corp. ->
LDTA/Chunghwa Telecom Chunghwa ->
Ambit Microsystems ->
First International Telecom ->
Tatung InfoComm ->
Far EasTone Telecommunications Co Ltd ->
Taiwan Star Telecom T ->
Taiwan Star Telecom T ->
Chunghwa Telecom ->
Mobitai Communications ->
Taiwan Mobile Co. Ltd Taiwan ->
TransAsia Telecoms ->
Cheo Technology Jv Company ->
Cheo Technology Jv Company ->
Korea Posts and Telecommunications Corporation ->
Grameenphone Ltd. ->
Axiata Bangladesh Ltd. ->
Banglalink Digital Communications Ltd. ->
Teletalk Bangladesh Limited ->
Pacific Bangladesh Telecom Limited ->
Bharti Airtel Bangladesh Ltd. ->
Bangladesh Internet Exchange Limited (BIEL) ->
Banglalion Communications Ltd. ->
Dhivehi Raajjeyge Gulhun ->
Wataniya Telecom Maldives ->
Telekom Malaysia Bhd ATUR ->
Maxis, DiGi, Celcom, XOX ->
Telekom Malaysia Bhd TM ->
Maxis Communications Berhad ->
Celcom Axiata Berhad ->
Telekom Malaysia Berhad for PSTN SMS ->
Tune Talk Sdn Bhd Tune ->
Baraka Telecom Sdn Bhd ->
YTL Communications Sdn Bhd ->
Webe Digital Sdn Bhd ->
Talk Focus Sdn Bhd ->
Clixster Mobile Sdn Bhd ->
Altel Communications Sdn Bhd ->
Telekomunikasi Indonesia International (M) Sdn Bhd ->
DiGi Telecommunications ->
Maxis Communications Berhad ->
U Mobile Sdn Bhd U ->
Celcom Axiata Berhad ->
Electcoms Berhad ->
Telstra Corporation Limited ->
Singtel Optus Proprietary Limited ->
Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited ->
Department of Defence ->
Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited ->
Vodafone Network Pty. Ltd. ->
One.Tel Limited One ->
Norfolk Telecom Norfolk ->
Telstra Corporation Ltd. ->
Vodafone Hutchison Australia Proprietary Limited ->
Railcorp, Transport for New South Wales ->
TPG Telecom ->
Victorian Rail Track ->
Optus ->
Pactel International Pty Ltd ->
Lycamobile Pty Ltd ->
Ausgrid Corporation ->
Queensland Rail Limited ->
iiNet Ltd ->
Challenge Networks Pty Ltd ->
Advanced Communications Technologies Pty. Ltd. ->
Pilbara Iron Company Services Pty Ltd ->
Dialogue Communications Pty. Ltd. ->
Nexium Telecommunications ->
RCOM International Pty Ltd ->
Compatel Limited ->
BHP Billiton ->
Thales Australia ->
CLX Networks Pty Ltd ->
Santos Limited ->
MessageBird Pty Ltd ->
Optus Mobile Pty. Ltd. ->
Yancoal Australia Ltd ->
Truphone Pty Ltd ->
Telstra Corporation Ltd. ->
CITIC Pacific Mining ->
Aqura Technologies Pty ->
Groote Eylandt Mining Company Pty Ltd ->
Arrow Energy Pty Ltd ->
Roy Hill Iron Ore Pty Ltd ->
Clermont Coal Operations Pty Ltd ->
AngloGold Ashanti Australia Ltd ->
Woodside Energy Limited ->
Titan ICT Pty Ltd ->
Pivotel Group Pty Limited ->
Commtel Network Solutions Pty Ltd CommTel ->
National Broadband Network Co. ->
National Broadband Network Co. ->
Telstra Corporation Limited ->
Telstra Corporation Limited ->
Pivotel Group Pty Limited ->
Singtel Optus Proprietary Limited ->
One.Tel One ->
PT Pasifik Satelit Nusantara (ACeS) ->
PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT) Indosat ->
PT Indosat Tbk ->
PT Telkom ->
PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler ->
PT Smartfren Telecom ->
PT Telekomunikasi Selular ->
PT XL Axiata Tbk ->
PT Telkom Indonesia Tbk ->
PT Indonesian Satellite Corporation Tbk (INDOSAT) ->
PT Sampoerna Telekomunikasi Indonesia Net ->
PT Mobile-8 Telecom Fren ->
PT Berca Hardayaperkasa ->
PT Internux BOLT! 4G ->
PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications ->
PT Bakrie Telecom ->
PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia International ->
Timor Telecom ->
Viettel Timor-Leste ->
Globe Telecom via Innove Communications ->
Globe Telecom ->
PLDT via Smart Communications ->
Digital Telecommunications Philippines Sun ->
PLDT via ACeS Philippines ->
PLDT via Smart's Connectivity Unlimited Resources Enterprise ->
ABS-CBN Convergence with Globe Telecom ABS-CBN ->
Next Mobile Inc. ->
CAT Telecom TrueMove H / my by ->
Advanced Info Service ->
CAT Telecom CAT ->
Advanced Wireless Network Company Ltd. ->
True Move H Universal Communication Company Ltd. TrueMove ->
DTAC TriNet Company Ltd. dtac TriNet / ->
Royal Thai Police ->
TOT Public Company Limited AIS-T / TOT ->
Total Access Communications Public Company Ltd. ->
ACeS ->
Digital Phone Company Ltd. AIS GSM ->
True Corporation WE ->
TOT Public Company Limited dtac-T / LINE / TOT ->
True Corporation ->
Singapore Telecom ->
Singapore Telecom SingTel ->
M1 Limited ->
StarHub Mobile ->
StarHub Mobile ->
Singapore Telecom ->
StarHub Mobile ->
Liberty Wireless Pte Ltd Circles ->
TPG Telecom Pte Ltd ->
M1 Limited ->
GRID Communications Pte Ltd. ->
Telekom Brunei Berhad ->
Progresif Cellular Sdn Bhd ->
Unified National Networks Sdn Bhd ->
Data Stream Technology Sdn Bhd ->
Telecom New Zealand ->
Vodafone New Zealand ->
Telecom New Zealand ->
Woosh Wireless ->
TelstraClear New Zealand ->
Spark New Zealand ->
Spark New Zealand ->
Bluereach Limited ->
2degrees ->
Digicel (Nauru) Corporation ->
Bemobile Limited ->
Telikom PNG Ltd. ->
Digicel PNG ->
Tonga Communications Corporation U ->
Shoreline Communication ->
Digicel (Tonga) Limited ->
Our Telekom ->
BMobile (SI) Ltd ->
ACeS International (AIL) ->
Telecom Vanuatu Ltd ->
Digicel Vanuatu Ltd ->
WanTok Vanuatu Ltd ->
Vodafone Fiji ->
Digicel Fiji ->
Telecom Fiji Ltd ->
Service des Postes et Télécommunications des Îles Wallis et Futuna (SPT) ->
Bluesky ->
Amalgamated Telecom Holdings Kiribati Limited Kiribati - ->
OceanLink ->
Amalgamated Telecom Holdings Kiribati Limited Kiribati - Frigate ->
OPT New Caledonia ->
Mara Telecom ->
Pacific Mobile Telecom ->
Onati S.A.S. ->
Telecom Cook Islands ->
Digicel Pacific Ltd. ->
Digicel Pacific Ltd. ->
Bluesky Samoa Ltd ->
Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority (MINTA) ->
Palau National Communications Corp. ->
Palau Equipment Company Inc. PT ->
Palau Mobile Corporation Palau ->
Palau Mobile Communications Inc. ->
Tuvalu Telecom ->
Teletok ->
Telecom Niue Telecom ->
Orange Egypt ->
Vodafone Egypt ->
Etisalat Egypt ->
Telecom Egypt ->
Algérie Télécom ->
Optimum Telecom Algérie Spa ->
Wataniya Telecom Algérie ->
Algérie Télécom ->
Algérie Télécom ->
Anesrif ->
Médi Télécom Orange ->
Ittissalat Al-Maghrib (Maroc Telecom) ->
Wana Corporate ->
Al Houria Telecom ->
Wana Corporate ->
Ittissalat Al-Maghrib (Maroc Telecom) ->
Al Houria Telecom ->
Orange Tunisie ->
Tunisie Telecom ->
ooredoo Tunisiana OOREDOO ->
Libyana ->
Al-Madar Al-Jadeed ->
Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed Al-Jeel ->
Libya Telecom & Technology (LTT) Libya ->
Hatef Libya Hatef ->
Gamcel ->
Africell ->
Comium ->
QCell Gambia ->
Gamtel-Ecowan ->
Sonatel ->
Millicom International Cellular S.A. ->
Sudatel ->
Mattel ->
Chinguitel ->
Mauritel Mobiles ->
Malitel SA ->
Orange Mali SA ->
Alpha Telecommunication Mali S.A. ->
Orange S.A. ->
Sotelgui Lagui ->
INTERCEL Guinée Telecel ->
Areeba Guinea ->
Cellcom ->
Cora de Comstar ->
Atlantique Cellulaire ->
Orange ->
Comium Ivory Coast Inc ->
Loteny Telecom ->
Oricel ->
Aircomm ->
YooMee ->
Onatel ->
Orange Burkina Faso ->
Telecel Faso SA Telecel ->
La Société Sahélienne de Télécommunications (SahelCom) ->
Bharti Airtel Limited ->
Atlantique Telecom (subsidiary of Etisalat) ->
Orange Niger ->
Togo Telecom Togo ->
Moov Togo ->
Benin Telecoms Mobile ->
Telecel Benin ->
Spacetel Benin ->
Bell Benin Communications ->
Glo Communication Benin ->
Cellplus Mobile Communications Ltd. my ->
Mahanagar Telephone Mauritius Limited (MTML) MOKOZE / ->
Mahanagar Telephone Mauritius Limited (MTML) ->
Emtel Ltd. ->
Lonestar Communications Corporation Lonestar Cell ->
Atlantic Wireless (Liberia) Inc. ->
Novafone Inc. ->
Orange Liberia Orange ->
Liberia Telecommunications Corporation ->
Orange SL Limited ->
Lintel Sierra Leone Limited ->
Lintel Sierra Leone Limited ->
Comium (Sierra Leone) Ltd. ->
Lintel Sierra Leone Limited ->
Sierra Leone Telephony ->
Qcell Sierra Leone ->
InterGroup Telecom SL Smart ->
Mobitel ->
Datatel (SL) Ltd. ->
Datatel (SL) Ltd. ->
MTN Group ->
Vodafone Group ->
Millicom Ghana ->
Kasapa / Hutchison Telecom ->
National Security ->
Airtel ->
Globacom Group ->
Surfline Communications Ltd ->
National Information Technology Agency ->
Blu Telecommunications ->
Netafrique Dot Com Ltd ->
BTL ->
Goldkey ->
BusyInternet ->
Lebara ->
Telesol ->
iBurst Africa ->
Capcom ->
Bharti Airtel Limited ->
InterC Network Ltd. ->
Spectranet ->
Visafone Communications Ltd. ->
Swift ->
Smile Communications Nigeria ->
MTN Nigeria Communications Limited ->
Nigerian Mobile Telecommunications Limited ->
Globacom Ltd ->
Emerging Markets Telecommunication Services Ltd. ->
Bharti Airtel SA ->
SotelTchad ->
Millicom ->
SotelTchad ->
Atlantique Telecom Centrafrique SA ->
Telecel Centrafrique ->
Orange RCA ->
Azur RCA ->
Mobile Telephone Network Cameroon Ltd MTN ->
Orange Cameroun S.A. ->
Camtel ->
Viettel Cameroun ->
CVMóvel, S.A. ->
Companhia Santomese de Telecomunicaçôe ->
Unitel Sao Tome and Principe Unitel ->
GETESA Orange ->
Green Com S.A. ->
Gabon Telecom S.A. ->
Gabon Telecom S.A. ->
Airtel Gabon S.A. ->
USAN Gabon S.A. ->
Réseau de l’Administration Gabonaise ->
Celtel Congo ->
Warid Telecom ->
MTN CONGO S.A Libertis ->
Vodacom Congo RDC sprl ->
Airtel sprl ->
Supercell SPRL ->
Orange RDC sarl Orange ->
Yozma Timeturns sprl ->
Orange RDC sarl Orange ->
Africell RDC sprl ->
UNITEL S.a.r.l. ->
MOVICEL Telecommunications S.A. ->
Guinétel S.A. ->
Spacetel Guiné-Bissau S.A. MTN ->
Guinétel S.A. ->
Cable & Wireless Seychelles Cable & ->
Mediatech International ->
Telecom Seychelles Ltd ->
Zain Group - Sudan Zain ->
MTN Sudan ->
MTN Sudan ->
Canar Telecom ->
Sudatel Group Sudani ->
NEC khartoum ->
MTN Rwandacell SARL ->
Rwandatel S.A. ->
Rwandatel S.A. ->
Airtel RWANDA ->
Airtel RWANDA ->
Olleh Rwanda Networks ->
Ethio Telecom ->
Telesom ->
Somafone FZLLC ->
NationLink Telecom ->
Golis Telecom Somalia ->
Hormuud Telecom Somalia Inc ->
UNITEL S.a.r.l. ->
Nationlink Telecom ->
HTG Group Somalia Horntel ->
Onkod Telecom Ltd. ->
Somtel ->
Telcom Somalia ->
Djibouti Telecom SA ->
Safaricom Limited ->
Safaricom Limited ->
Bharti Airtel ->
Mobile Pay Kenya Limited ->
Essar Telecom Kenya ->
Finserve Africa Limited ->
Telkom Kenya ->
Sema Mobile Services Limited ->
Homeland Media Group Limited ->
Jamii Telecommunications Limited Faiba ->
WiAfrica Kenya Limited ->
Rural NetCo Limited ->
MIC Tanzania Limited ->
Zanzibar Telecom Ltd ->
Vodacom Tanzania Limited ->
Bharti Airtel ->
Dovetel Limited Sasatel ->
Tanzania Telecommunication Company LTD (TTCL) TTCL ->
Benson Informatics Limited ->
Viettel Tanzania Limited ->
Smile Telecoms Holdings Ltd. ->
MyCell Limited ->
Wiafrica Tanzania Limited ->
Bharti Airtel ->
Tangerine Uganda Limited ->
Afrimax Uganda ->
MTN Uganda ->
Uganda Telecom Ltd. Uganda ->
Africell Uganda ->
SimbaNET Uganda Limited ->
Suretelecom Uganda Ltd. ->
Bharti Airtel ->
Lycamobile Network Services Uganda Limited ->
Anupam Global Soft Uganda Limited ->
Smile Communications Uganda Limited ->
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) ->
K2 Telecom Ltd ->
i-Tel Ltd i ->
Econet Wireless Burundi PLC econet ->
Onatel ->
LACELL SU Smart ->
Viettel Burundi ->
Econet Wireless Burundi PLC econet ->
Mocambique Celular S.A. ->
Movitel, SA ->
Vodacom Mozambique, S.A. ->
Bharti Airtel ->
MTN Group ->
Zambia Telecommunications Company Ltd ->
Bharti Airtel ->
Orange Madagascar S.A. ->
Sacel Madagascar S.A. ->
Telma Mobile S.A. ->
Gulfsat Madagascar S.A. BIP / ->
Orange La Réunion ->
BJT Partners Maoré ->
Telco OI ->
Telco OI ->
Zeop mobile ->
Société Réunionnaise du Radiotéléphone SFR ->
Net*One Cellular (Pvt) Ltd Net ->
Telecel Zimbabwe (PVT) Ltd ->
Econet Wireless ->
MTC Namibia ->
Telecom Namibia ->
Telecom Namibia TN ->
Paratus Telecommunications (Pty) ->
Demshi Investments CC ->
MTN Namibia ->
Telecom Network Malawi ->
Access Communications Ltd ->
Airtel Malawi Limited ->
Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd ->
Econet Ezi-cel Econet ->
Vodacom Lesotho (Pty) Ltd ->
Mascom Wireless (Pty) Limited ->
Orange (Botswana) Pty Limited ->
Botswana Telecommunications Corporation ->
Swazi Mobile Limited ->
Swazi MTN Limited Swazi ->
Comores Telecom ->
Telecom Malagasy (Telma) TELCO ->
Vodacom ->
Telkom SA SOC Ltd ->
Sasol (Pty) Ltd. ->
Telkom SA Ltd ->
Sentech (Pty) Ltd ->
Cell C (Pty) Ltd Cell ->
MTN Group ->
South African Police Service Gauteng ->
MTN Group ->
Neotel Pty Ltd ->
Neotel Pty Ltd ->
Phoenix System Integration (Pty) Ltd ->
Sishen Iron Ore Company (Ltd) Pty ->
Wireless Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd ->
Cape Town Metropolitan Council ->
SMSPortal (Pty) Ltd. ->
Wirels Connect ->
A to Z Vaal Industrial Supplies Pty Ltd ->
Hymax Talking Solutions (Pty) Ltd ->
Bokamoso Consortium ->
Karabo Telecoms (Pty) Ltd. ->
Ilizwi Telecommunications ->
Thinta Thinta Telecommunications Pty Ltd ->
Bokone Telecoms Pty Ltd ->
Kingdom Communications Pty Ltd ->
Amatole Telecommunications Pty Ltd ->
Wireless Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd ->
South African Police Service ->
SMS Cellular Services (Pty) Ltd ->
Ericsson South Africa (Pty) Ltd ->
Integrat (Pty) Ltd ->
Lycamobile (Pty) Ltd ->
Vodacom Pty Ltd ->
Wireless Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd ->
Wireless Business Solutions (Pty) Ltd ->
Airports Company South Africa ->
Eritrea Telecommunications Services Corporation ->
MTN South Sudan ->
Gemtel ->
Network of the World (NOW) ->
Zain South Sudan ->
Sudani ->
Belize Telemedia Limited (BTL) ->
International Telecommunications Ltd. ->
Speednet Communications Limited ->
Speednet Communications Limited ->
Telecomunicaciones de Guatemala, S.A. ->
Millicom / Local partners ->
Telefónica Móviles Guatemala (Telefónica) ->
CTE Telecom Personal, S.A. de C.V. ->
Digicel, S.A. de C.V. ->
Telemovil El Salvador S.A. ->
Telefónica Móviles El Salvador ->
INTELFON, S.A. de C.V. ->
Servicios de Comunicaciones de Honduras S.A. de C.V. ->
Celtel ->
Empresa Hondureña de Telecomunicaciones ->
Digicel de Honduras ->
Empresa Nicaragüense de Telecomunicaciones, S.A. (ENITEL) (América Móvil) ->
Telefonía Celular de Nicaragua, S.A. (Telefónica, S.A.) ->
Servicios de Comunicaciones S.A. ->
Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad Kölbi ->
Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad Kölbi ->
Claro CR Telecomunicaciones (Aló) ->
Telefónica Móviles Costa Rica ->
Virtualis S.A. ->
Cable & Wireless Panama S.A. Cable & ->
Telefónica Moviles Panama S.A, Bell South Corp. (BSC) ->
Telefónica Móviles de Panama S.A ->
América Móvil ->
Digicel Group ->
Telefónica del Perú S.A.A. ->
Entel Perú S.A. ->
América Móvil Perú ->
Viettel Peru S.A.C. ->
Entel Perú S.A. ->
Telefónica Móviles Argentina S.A. ->
NII Holdings ->
Telecom Personal S.A. ->
TE.SA.M Argentina S.A. ->
Telefónica Móviles Argentina S.A. ->
AMX Argentina S.A. ->
AMX Argentina S.A. ->
AMX Argentina S.A. ->
Telecom Personal S.A. ->
Hutchison Telecommunications Argentina S.A. PORT ->
NII Holdings, Inc. ->
Telecom Italia Mobile ->
Telecom Italia Mobile ->
Telecom Italia Mobile ->
Claro ->
Telefônica Brasil S.A. ->
Telefônica Brasil S.A. ->
Telefônica Brasil S.A. ->
Sercomtel Celular ->
Brasil Telecom GSM Brasil Telecom ->
Correios Celular ->
Datora (Vodafone) ->
Telefônica Brasil S.A. ->
Amazonia Celular ->
NULL No ->
Algar Telecom S.A. Algar ->
Algar Telecom S.A. Algar ->
Algar Telecom S.A. Algar ->
Telcom Telecomunicações ->
Options Telecomunicações ->
Unicel ->
Claro ->
NII Holdings, Inc. ->
Entel Telefonía Móvil S.A. ->
Telefónica Móvil de Chile ->
Claro Chile S.A. CLARO ->
Novator Partners ->
Multikom S.A. ->
Blue Two Chile S.A. ->
Telefónica Móvil de Chile ->
Novator Partners ->
Entel Telefonía Móvil S.A. ->
Celupago S.A. ->
Telestar Móvil S.A. Colo-Colo MóvilWanderers ->
Tribe Mobile Chile SPA Virgin ->
Netline Telefónica Móvil Ltda ->
Cibeles Telecom S.A. ->
Nomade Telecomunicaciones S.A. ->
COMPATEL Chile Limitada ->
Empresas Bunker S.A. ->
Sociedad Falabella Móvil SPA móvil ->
Inversiones Santa Fe Limitada ->
Cellplus SpA ->
Claro Servicios Empresariales S. A. ->
WILL S.A. ->
Cibeles Telecom S.A. ->
WILL Telefonía ->
Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. ESP ->
Edatel S.A. ESP ->
Une EPM Telecomunicaciones S.A. E.S.P. ->
Empresas Municipales de Cali ->
Bellsouth Colombia ->
Colombia Móvil S.A. ESP ->
Colombia Móvil S.A. ESP ->
Colombia Telecomunicaciones S.A. ESP ->
Avantel S.A.S ->
Une EPM Telecomunicaciones S.A. E.S.P. ->
Virgin Mobile Colombia S.A.S. Virgin ->
Colombia Móvil S.A. ESP ->
DirecTV Colombia Ltda ->
Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá S.A. ESP ->
SUMA Movil SAS ->
UFF Movil SAS ->
Hablame Colombia SAS ESP ->
Libre Tecnologias SAS ->
Setroc Mobile Group SAS ->
Logistica Flash Colombia SAS ->
Corporacion Digitel C.A. ->
Corporacion Digitel C.A. Digitel ->
Galaxy Entertainment de Venezuela C.A. ->
Telefónica Móviles Venezuela ->
Telecomunicaciones Movilnet ->
Nuevatel PCS De Bolivia SA ->
Entel SA ->
Telefónica Celular De Bolivia S.A ->
Guyana Telephone & Telegraph Co. GT&T Cellink ->
Quark Communications Inc. ->
U-Mobile (Cellular) Inc. ->
eGovernment Unit, Ministry of the Presidency ->
Otecel S.A. ->
Corporación Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (CNT EP) CNT ->
Otecel S.A. ->
Hola Paraguay S.A. ->
AMX Paraguay S.A. ->
Compañia Privada de Comunicaciones S.A. ->
Telefónica Celular Del Paraguay S.A. (Telecel) ->
Núcleo S.A. (TIM) ->
Copaco S.A. ->
Telecommunications Company Suriname (Telesur) ->
Digicel Group Limited ->
Digicel Group Limited ->
Telecommunications Company Suriname (Telesur) ->
Administración Nacional de Telecomunicaciones ->
Administración Nacional de Telecomunicaciones ->
Administración Nacional de Telecomunicaciones ->
Telefónica Móviles Uruguay ->
AM Wireless Uruguay S.A. ->
Sure South Atlantic Ltd. ->
Thuraya RMSS Network ->
Thuraya Satellite Telecommunications Company ->
Telenor Maritime AS ->
BebbiCell AG GSM ->
AeroMobile AS ->
OnAir Switzerland Sarl ->
Cisco Systems, Inc. Cisco ->
JT Group Limited ->
AT&T Mobility Cellular ->
Vodafone Malta Maritime ->
Intermatica ->
Wins Limited ->
MediaLincc Ltd ->
Voxbone ->
Telecom Italia Mobile TIM ->
Monaco Telecom ->
GDSP (Vodafone's Global Data Service Platform) ->
Orange S.A. ->
MegaFon Sky ->
Smart Communications ->
tyntec GmbH ->
Globecomm Network Services ->
Azerfon ->
Transatel ->
Multiregional TransitTelecom (MTT) ->
MTX Connect Ltd ->
Deutsche Telekom AG 1nce ->
BodyTrace Netherlands B.V. ->
DCN Hub ehf ->
EMnify GmbH ->
AT&T Inc. ->
Advanced Wireless Network Company Limited ->
Telecom26 AG ->
Ooredoo ->
Communication for Devices in Sweden AB ->
Zain Kuwait ->
EchoStar Mobile ->
VisionNG ->
Manx Telecom Trading Ltd. ->
Deutsche Telekom AG ->
Teleena Holding B.V. ->
Beezz Communication Solutions Ltd. ->
European Telecommunications Standards Institute ->
SAP ->
Belgacom ICS SA ->
MessageBird B.V. ->
OneWeb ->
MTN Management Services ->
Twilio Inc. ->
GloTel B.V. ->
Syniverse Technologies, LLC ->
Plintron Global Technology Solutions Pty Ltd ->
Limitless Mobile LLC ->
1NCE GmbH ->
Maersk Line A/S ->
Legos ->
UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) ->
MulteFire Allicance ->
World's Global Telecom ->
Sure (Diego Garcia) Ltd ->